
Thursday, April 30, 2009

How Many Enterprise Architects Does It Take To Measure A Donkey?

I don't know how this got started, but we were tweeting a discussion about enterprise architecture, and somehow the question came up...

How Many Enterprise Architects Does It Take To Measure A Donkey?

A: depends on where the datum is and which part of the donkey they measure!

A: and should not speed of donkey be considered too? For relativity effects I mean.

A: ahh yes, but it is velocity and in the direction of measurement! A jumping donkey!

A: jumping donkeys - can I have some of what you two are on?

A: EAs measuring the donkey? One measures required height of TO-BE donkey, one argues length and height are basically the same, ...

A: .. one says the problem is that the front half of the donkey and the rear half are not in alignment.

A: ... one says that we can't measure the donkey until we have completed the business case.

A: one say that we need an industry consortium to define the best practices for donkey measuring.

A: ... one says we don't need to measure the donkey. It's not strategic. We need to outsource it.

A: ... one says that we can't measure the donkey until we first partition it into little pieces so that it isn't so complex.

With contributions from @RSessions, @richardveryard,@seabird20, @taotwit, and @j4ngis. (Did I miss anybody?)

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, I am guilty of contributions to this. I don't think we should ever let it see the light of day. The people who pay our salaries will think we are barking!
