
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sessions's Complexity Aphorisms

- Complexity is like heat. We need just enough to solve the problem. Any more kills us.

- The best IT solution is the simplest IT solution that solves the business problem.

- The simplest IT solution is the NULL solution, but that fails the effectiveness test.

- Complexity is the enemy.

- The cloud is a platform. Not a complexity solution.

- 60% of all IT budgets are invested in projects that are at risk for unnecessary complexity.

- Occam's Razor Applied to IT: When you have two competing architectures that solve exactly the same business problem, the simpler one is the better.

- Consulting organizations perpetuate complexity through fear: This project is too risky. You will fail and be blamed. Let us fail and be blamed.

- IT Complexity is a tax paid by everybody that benefits nobody.


  1. "When you have two competing architectures that solve exactly the same business problem, the simpler one is the better."

    Or.. When you have two competing architectures that solve exactly the same business problem, you have one too many architects.

    Have to agree that consultancies play a large part in the prevalence of IT complexity, but I believe based on observation that this is more as a result of combined incompetance than a deliberate policy.

    Good Article
    Jon H Ayre
    The Enterprising Architect

  2. I agree with the points mentioned in your post. However, I am not sure how did you arrive with the figure 60% in below point:

    - 60% of all IT budgets are invested in projects that are at risk for unnecessary complexity.

    Could you please let me know your source?

  3. Kris: For more details on this, see my white paper, The IT Complexity Crisis at
